SWMD-2490 Programmes


MDUK partners collaborate on many programmes. Across 2021 – 23, Museum Development providers are in working in partnership on the following initiatives:

Covid-19 Recovery Grants with match funding from Art Fund

Roots and Branches – a 2 year Arts Council England Project Grant focused on improving the sustainability of museums.  Lead by the University of Manchester, Museum Development NW and Carbon Literacy Trust the programme is focused on supporting museums in England.

Equity and Inclusion – in partnership with the Association of Independent Museums (AIM), the programme will support museums in England and Wales to improve their understanding of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). The programme will also increase participants’ knowledge and skills around the EDI-related issues being faced people working and volunteering in museums, their communities and audiences.

Volunteer Development – an intensive programme for up to 20 museums from across participating areas in the UK. It has arisen due to the dual challenges of a longer-term shifting volunteering workforce in the heritage sector, and the particular strains of the last 12 months due to the pandemic.

Museums Organisational Health Check – a self-assessment tool for museums in England designed as an indicator to help highlight your museum’s current best practice, understand where the museum has areas of development, and to feed into your forward planning. For more information, contact your MD England provider.

Skills Needs Analysis – more information to follow.